Adam Curry
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Dave is god. [time passes] Well let me extend and revise that remark. Hey you, call your cable company and say 'I hate my MTV'. Users are losers, and losers are don't do MTV. Daily Ego Mode. PodShow, the night-time-coughing-sniffing-fever-sore-throat-runny-nose so-you-can-sleep-through-the-night Radio Show. MTV is evil. They suck. But not when I was there. Radio is evil. JackFM is the Devil himself. Here's a hint: the Devil looks exactly like Rikki Rachtman. Humanity reborn from the pods. Podcasting. Something Dave didn't invent. I did. Yes, I did. I did. I don't think you are listening. I invented it. Podcasting, yes, me. I invented it. I demand Wikipedia take notice, if not, time to edit. It was nothing before me. I invented it. Yes I did. I can prove it. I invented it. You haven't forgotten that yet have you? I invented Podcasting, me, myself and I. That would be invent. I invented it. Yes I did. I can prove it. I invented it. You haven't heard? I invented it. Yes I did. I can prove it. I invented it. Partnership for a Radio Free America. Podcasting. When you fuel up with a nutritious podcast like this one, with tasty low-sugar internet Poddios, those O's will help keep you on your toes!
My wife is way beyond your league, only people like me can bag such trophies. You little internet people, begone, or grovel at my feet. Daily Ego Mode. The music died when 'Remote Control' came on, repeat said story for the next 40 years. I invented podcasting. Yes I did. I can prove it. My podcast has a first name it's A-D-A-M. My podcast has a second name it's C-U-R-R-Y. And if you ask me why I'll say...'cause Adam Curry has a way with B-A-L-O-N-E-Y.
We had fun at this celebrity party, oh yes we did. Oh I invented Podcasting, even Steve Jobs calls me up to ask for advice. And yes Virginia, You've Got The Right One Baby! I invented it. Yes me. And doncha forget it. I am the Podfather, the Podfather. Blogging and podding from the Curry Cottage, and now the Curry Castle, and in a few days from the Curry Condo. Double Daily Dose of the Daily Ego Mode.
Three times as beautiful. Excellence Curry from L'Netherlands. One: The special pre-treatment prepares and repairs fragile areas. Two: Rich non-dripping Podcasts. And three: Weeks of deep conditioning. Triple protective Curry. No grays. Excellence in Curry from L'Netherlands. Get the look, get the feeling of a man like Curry de Baron. I demand worship. I invented Podcasting, me, myself and I. That would be invent. I invented it. Yes I did. We had fun at this celebrity party, oh yes we did. Special Edition of the Daily Ego Mode. I invented postcasting. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
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